Monday, 30 May 2016

PeopleTools DPK Installation- Important Commands

Oracle PeopleSoft provide the commands which are available for PeopleSoft Deployment Package.

DPK provides the flexibility to install domains separately on different physical and logical machines.

Following DPK commands could be execute in Windows Powershell and Unix/Linux boxes

DPK provide the option to specify default option also as

domain_type (the default is all) : domain_type all

1. For App Server domain

--env_type midtier --domain_type appserver

2. For App Batch Domain (for App Server & Process Scheduler on on one machine)

--env_type midtier --domain_type appbatch

3. For PIA Domain

--env_type midtier --domain_type pia

4. For a Process Scheduler Domain

--env_type midtier --domain_type prcs

5. This command setups a fulltier (database and midtier) PeopleSoft environment using the DPK zips from the directory /opt/psft/dpks.

--dpk_src_dir /opt/psft/dpks

7. This command deploys just the PS_HOME. It does not setup any PeopleSoft environment. Just installs PS_HOME and none of the other 3rd party components.

--env_type midtier --deploy_only --deploy_type tools_home

Sunday, 22 May 2016

Applying customizations for deployment ONLY through puppet failing with the error

After I created the psft_customizations.yaml and executed the command puppet apply site.pp --debug --trace under manifests, it was failing with the errors as below. I was intending to apply the deployment customization in the peoplesoft application and was looking to use the user profile for deployment as delivered default i.e, psadm1,psadm2,psadm3 and oracle2.

From the error message, I analysed that puppet script is unable to create the user profile folders in the home directory i.e,


Error: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/psadm2/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/file.rb:812:in `initialize'
/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/file.rb:812:in `open'

/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/util/command_line.rb:146:in `run'
/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/util/command_line.rb:92:in `execute'
/usr/bin/puppet:8:in `<main>'
Wrapped exception:
No such file or directory - /home/psadm2/.profile

Error: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/File[/home/psadm2/.profile]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/psadm2/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 psadm2]: Dependency File[/home/psadm2/.profile] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 psadm2]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Error: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/File[/home/psadm3/.profile]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/psadm3/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 psadm3]: Dependency File[/home/psadm3/.profile] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 psadm3]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Error: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/oracle2/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/file.rb:812:in `initialize'

Error: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/oracle2/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
/usr/share/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/type/file.rb:812:in `initialize'

Error: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/File[/home/oracle2/.profile]/ensure: change from absent to present failed: Could not set 'present' on ensure: No such file or directory - /home/oracle2/.profile at 59:/etc/puppet/modules/pt_profile/manifests/pt_system/users.pp
Notice: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 oracle2]: Dependency File[/home/oracle2/.profile] has failures: true
Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_system::Users/Exec[chage -d 0 oracle2]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_tools_deployment/Notify[Applying pt_profile::pt_tools_deployment]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_setup::Tools_deployment/File[/home/fs91dev/ps_home8.55.05]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_psft_environment/Pt_setup::User_environment[oracle2_environment]/File[oracle2_environment]: Skipping because of failed dependencies

Warning: /Stage[main]/Pt_profile::Pt_psft_environment/Pt_setup::User_environment[psadm2_environment]/File[psadm2_environment]: Skipping because of failed dependencies


As a solution to the issue, I have created the user profile folders manually in the home directory using the root linux user(note that I am installing PeopleSoft PeopleTools using the root user). 
mkdir psadm1 psadm2 psadm3 oracle2

drwxr-xr-x.  2 root      root           6 May 23 15:16 psadm1
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root      root           6 May 23 15:16 psadm2
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root      root           6 May 23 15:16 psadm3
drwxr-xr-x.  2 root      root           6 May 23 15:16 oracle2

Once done, I navigated to /etc/puppet/manifests and executed the command 
 puppet apply site.pp --debug --trace

This deployed the customized components in the server.

Ensure to change the permission and owner post deploying the tools and components.

You can also delete the user folders created above manually once the deployment is completed.

Thursday, 19 May 2016



In PT8.55 a new table PSACCESSPROFILE has been created with new longer fields. This new table PSACCESSPROFILE was replaced the table PSACCESSPRFL.

Structure/Column in PSACCESSPROFILE table


Saturday, 14 May 2016

PeopleTools client installation When Running SetupPTClient.bat is failing with the error as The application has failed to start because"..

Attempt to install the client by running SetupPTClient.bat for PT 8.55.01 client is failing with the error as

"The application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect. Please see the application event log or use the command-line sxstrace.exe tool for more detail"

Analyzing the issue revealed that this is happening because computer does not include the necessary Microsoft C++ runtime libraries which are required for installation of the client using the DPK.

As a solution for this

1. Uninstall all current all current Microsoft Visual C++ installations by going to Control Panel and with in the list of programs locate locate the Microsoft Visual C++ entries and uninstall all in a row.

2. Reinstall new Microsoft Visual C++ packages

You can get all the packages from the link below

Latest release date of the package

Visual C++ Redistributable Packages for Visual Studio 2013 is 30th Dec 2014.

You need to check all the packages available and click each of the following links in order to install all. Choose to Run the download to install each Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x64):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x64):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x86):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Redistributable Package (x86/x64/ARM):
Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable Package (x86/x64/ARM):

Once every package has been downloaded and installed, restart Windows and run the cmd.exe as administrator and execute SetupPTClient.bat from the tools_client folder without any parameter.

How to Stop PeopleSoft image on Virtual Box

PeopleSoft Provided image on the Virtual Box can be stopped using many different options. These options can be used based on the strategy to administer the image.

First option is that you can go to the machine option and click on the ACPI shutdown. This will stop the services which are running on the virtual box and then shutdown the PeopleSoft Image.

One can also opt for the Machine >> Close and then select one from the three available options.

First Option in this case is -Save the Machine State- This will save the machine state as it and stop the image.

Second Option is - Send the Shutdown Signal- This will stop the services first and then shutdown the image. Similar to ACPI option as explained above.

and Third Option is - Power off the Machine- This is defined as the abrupt shutdown of the image. This option will stop the machine without stopping services which is as equivalent to KILL the running services.

Friday, 13 May 2016

Synchronize Target Metadata:Option in Change Assistant

Ever wonder what is Synchronize Target Metadata which come as a option while applying change package through Change Assistant.

Synchronize Target Metadata appear as a option in Apply Type in the Task Steps>>Settings section of the Change Assistant.

Once you applied the change package to target instance,Change Assistant can automatically update the source PeopleSoft Image(which is your PUM image) with the details of patches applied to target instance.This will help you when applying any other patches on target in future.

If your organisation have the strategy for PUM source and if you want to synchronize target metadata with source then select ‘Yes’ otherwise select ‘No’.

If you select ‘Yes’, source i.e. PeopleSoft Image(PUM Source image) should be up and remain accessible to Change Assistant until CA job is finished.This is required for details to update in the PUM Source image from the target environment.

Error in launching application Designer or Data Mover in two tier mode

When trying to log into 2-tier and launching Application Designer or DataMover, instead of the login screen, an error message comes up.  The error message says:

"Your security options are set improperly.  Please contact your system administrator."

The login screen never comes up.  It just keeps showing the above error every time when trying to launch the PeopleSoft Application from 2-tier.  This includes Application Designer, DataMover etc.

The issue could be resolved by doing the below steps:

1.  Launch Configuration Manager and in the Startup tab, re-type the ID/Password for the Connect ID.  Click "Apply" and "OK" and try to launch Application Designer.

2.  Launch Configuration Manager and in the Client Setup tab, reinstall the Workstation and try to log in again into Application Designer.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Data Mover Commands

Data Mover Commands

CHANGE_ACCESS_PASSWORD <symbolic_id> <newAccessPswd>




IMPORT <table_name> As <new_tablename>;
IMPORT * AS <table_name> WHERE <condition>;


EXPORT <table_name> WHERE <condition>;


REPLACE_ALL <record_name>;


REPLACE_DATA <record_name>;


REPLACE_VIEW <view_name>;


SET LOG <log_file>;
SET OUTPUT <file_name>;
SET INPUT <file_name>;

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

PeopleTools Client Stand Alone Deployment on Windows: DPK Deployment

Steps to install the PeopleTools Client(stand alone): DPK Deployment.

Note that Stand Alone Deployment is majorly required for the PeopleTools Upgrade.

1. Copy the Zip file for windows in the target windows server under DPK_INSTALL

2. Extract the content from the downloaded zip file which will create the another folder.

3. Run the command prompt as administrator and change the directory where you have extracted the file.

4. Follow the steps as below

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


E:\>cd PT85505

E:\PT85505>SetupPTClient.bat -t
****** SetupPTClient started at 14:58:27.05 ******

 Do you want to deploy PeopleTools client? [Y/N]: Y

 Please Select the Database Platform:
 1. Oracle
 2. DB2 for LUW
 3. Microsoft SQL Server
 4. DB2 for zOS

 Enter your choice [1-4] : 1

 Please specify the PSHOME for the PeopleTools Client [C:\PT8.55.05_Client_ORA]:

 Do you want to configure PeopleTools client? [Y/N]: N

 Please make your selection for the PeopleTools Client deployment:
 1. PeopleTools Full Upgrade
 2. PeopleTools Patch
 3. None of the above

 Enter your choice [1-3]: 1

 Do you want to install Change Assistant? [Y/N]: Y

 Please specify the directory to install Change Assistant [C:\Program Files\Peop
leSoft\Change Assistant]:

 Do you want to install Change Impact Analyzer? [Y/N]: N

 Do you want to install PeopleSoft Test Framework? [Y/N]: N

 Do you want to configure PeopleSoft Test Framework? [Y/N]: N

 Starting Tools Client Deployment!

 Deploying PeopleTools 8.55.05 Client in C:\PT8.55.05_Client_ORA

 Configuring PeopleTools 8.55.05 Client

 Installing Change Assistant for PeopleTools 8.55.05 Client in C:\Program Files\
PeopleSoft\Change Assistant

 Deployment of PeopleTools Client Complete.

 Please launch Change Assistant to configure and validate your Source and Target
 environment setup to perform Tools Upgrade

 Tools Client Deployment Ended.

"****** SetupPTClient ended at 15:05:38.17 ******"
"Please review C:\Local\Temp\PeopleSoft\PTClientDep
loy.log for additional information."

Cobol execution through Process Scheduler failing with the error

Test Cobol process through process scheduler was failing with the error as below

 Message:     Process 10568 is marked 'Initiated' or 'Processing' but can not detect status of PID
        Process Name: PTPDBTST
        Process Type: COBOL SQL

We have recompiled and re-linked Cobol many time but it keep giving us the error as above.

Issue: While compiling the cobols, the compiler was converting all cobol files for Unicode

[cam90dmo@csdev1 setup]$ ./pscbl.mak
Start of compilation in PS_HOME (/home/cam90dmo/pt/ps_home8.55.03)

/home/cam90dmo/pt/ps_home8.55.03/setup/pscbl_mf.mak : Convert all files for Unicode ....

 Conversion Summary for Source Codes in  :

     Source: /home/cam90dmo/pt/ps_home8.55.03/src/cbl/
     Target: /home/cam90dmo/pt/ps_home8.55.03/src/cblunicode/


While installing using DPK, I have defined unicode parameter as false in psft_customizations.yaml file still the installation of PeopleTools has generated the unicode.cfg file is in the %PS_HOME%\setup directory. The said file does not exists in a non-Unicode installation.

About the file itself, it contains only one section [unicode] and one line, unicode = 1. This file is subsequently sent to the Unix machine during the PeopleSoft Batch Transfer (pstrans.exe). In addition, this file impacts the compile process of the COBOL source files.

For a quick check, query the PSSTATUS table. If UNICODE_ENABLED=1, then this indicates a Unicode installation. If UNICODE_ENABLED=0, then it is NOT a Unicode installation.

For a UNIX/LINUX unicode installation, the Cobol compile process ( psrun.mak ) looks for the existence of this %PS_HOME%/setup/unicode.cfg file and if found calls on utilities to convert all the cobols to Unicode before compiling them.  If file not found, then ANSI is assumed and Cobols are compiled as ANSI. 

Since the file was there in PS_HOME/setup, I have removed the file and recompile and re-link the cobol. This time during re-compile it didn't create the cblunicode folder in the source.

Post doing the changes, restarted the process scheduler server and the cobol was successfully executing through the process scheduler. 

Thursday, 5 May 2016

Weblogic TimeOut Parameters

Weblogic server is having few timeout parameters which users may need to check in case of any timeout issue in the application. Details of the weblogic time out parameters are as below

1. TimeoutSecs

This Parameter is defined in the weblogic.xml file located in the /webserv/PIA_DOMAIN/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.WAR/WEB-INF

TimeoutSecs is the session timeout for the webserver. However this timeout parameter is no longer in use by the PeopleSoft. Session Timeouts set in the Web Profiles override any HTTP session timeouts set on the webserver at runtime.

2. session-timeout

Parameter is defined in the web.xml and located in the directory

Session Timeout is the parameter used by the webserver but PeopleSoft no longer uses session timeout on the webserver. Session timeouts set in the Web Profiles override any HTTP session timeouts set on the webserver at runtime.

3. Max Inactive Interval

Parameter display the value in http session details via the weblogic console.It defines number of seconds until session expires.

The value is measured in seconds and based on the following parameter settings:

A. Web Profile “Inactivity Logout” setting
B. Web Profile “HTTP Session Inactivity” setting
C. “Permission List” setting

Monday, 2 May 2016

GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library libpsora64

Boot Attempt for application server and Batch Server on the RHEL7 was failing with the error as below

PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.608] - - - (0) PeopleTools Release 8.55.03 (Linux) starting. Tuxedo server is PPMGRP(91)/100
PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.609] - - - (3) Detected time zone is ACST
PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.751] - - - (0) Cache Directory being used: /home/fs91dmf/psft/pt/8.55/appserv/fin91dmo/CACHE/PSPPMSRV_100/
PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.760] - - - (1) GenMessageBox(200, 0, M): PS General SQL Routines: Missing or invalid version of SQL library libpsora64
PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.762] - - - (1) GenMessageBox(0, 0, M): Database Signon: Could not sign on to database FIN91DMO with user VP1.
PSPPMSRV.32692 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:15.762] - - - (0) Server failed to start
PSADMIN.32658 (0) [2016-05-02T15:01:22.616] - - - (0) End boot attempt on domain

Further review of stderr file was showing the error which was pointing to the Oracle file

dlopen in libpscompat failed for '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
dlopen in libpscompat failed for '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Application server was not starting because of bad link.The application server is looking for a library that does not exist dlopen in libpscompat failed for '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

As PeopleSoft now supports 64 bit Oracle for PeopleTools, the library need to link with the 64 bit lib directory.

I navigated to $Oracle_HOME/lib to check if the library are pointing to 64 bit lib directory. I found that soft link though exist in the lib directory pointing to 64 Bit lib directory but was actually broken as it was flashing in Red.

Note that softlink if broken will flash in Red colour in the linux directory structure.

I have unlinked the broken link: command as below

Created the softlink again

ln -s

Recreating the softlink fixed the issue

Post fixing the broken links to point to 64 bit library, both application server and batch server booted with success.