If you want to install the PeopleSoft in the default location then you can run the command
puppet apply site.pp --debug -trace
However, if you are looking to change the location/drive for your PeopleSoft and related component installation then you need to customize the psft_deployment.yaml file.
To override the default location, copy the entire section(section which details about installation location) from the psft_deployment.yaml file into the psft_customizations.yaml file and modify the values as needed.Ensure that the file begins with three dashes ---
Excerpt from ps_customizations.yaml file
peoplesoft_base: /opt/oracle/psft
dpk_location: /opt/oracle/psft/dpk
archive_location: "%{hiera('dpk_location')}/archives"
pt_location: "%{hiera('peoplesoft_base')}/pt"
db_location: "%{hiera('peoplesoft_base')}/db"
db_platform: ORACLE
setup_ohs: false
unicode_db: false
ps_home_location: "/opt/oracle/psft/ps_home8.55.03"
inventory_location: "/opt/oracle/oraInventory"
oracle_client_location: "/opt/oracle/"
jdk_location: "/opt/jdk1.7.0_95"
weblogic_location: "/opt/bea"
tuxedo_location: "/opt/bea/tuxedo"
ohs_location: "/opt/bea/ohs"
Change the unicode_db from true to false if it is non-unicode DB.
Save the above changes in ps_customizations.yaml and run the command puppet apply site.pp --debug -trace
puppet apply site.pp --debug -trace
However, if you are looking to change the location/drive for your PeopleSoft and related component installation then you need to customize the psft_deployment.yaml file.
To override the default location, copy the entire section(section which details about installation location) from the psft_deployment.yaml file into the psft_customizations.yaml file and modify the values as needed.Ensure that the file begins with three dashes ---
Excerpt from ps_customizations.yaml file
peoplesoft_base: /opt/oracle/psft
dpk_location: /opt/oracle/psft/dpk
archive_location: "%{hiera('dpk_location')}/archives"
pt_location: "%{hiera('peoplesoft_base')}/pt"
db_location: "%{hiera('peoplesoft_base')}/db"
db_platform: ORACLE
setup_ohs: false
unicode_db: false
ps_home_location: "/opt/oracle/psft/ps_home8.55.03"
inventory_location: "/opt/oracle/oraInventory"
oracle_client_location: "/opt/oracle/"
jdk_location: "/opt/jdk1.7.0_95"
weblogic_location: "/opt/bea"
tuxedo_location: "/opt/bea/tuxedo"
ohs_location: "/opt/bea/ohs"
Change the unicode_db from true to false if it is non-unicode DB.
Save the above changes in ps_customizations.yaml and run the command puppet apply site.pp --debug -trace
Good Posts. Thanks for info. Helpful in clearing some of the confusion with DPK.