Monday, 25 July 2016

Clean Up DPK Deployed PeopleSoft environment

To remove the DPK deployed PeopleSoft environment follow the steps below

For Windows server we need to execute the command as below:

./psft-dpk-setup.ps1 -cleanup

For Linux based server or any other flavour of unix the command is:

./ --cleanup

I have seen in my scenario where the above given Manual method of cleanup was failing and not clearing all the files on the server. This was happening due to the space in the folder or having some folders with large name.In one of the case, I have seen re-installation was failing because one folder was not cleared in the cleanup process and that folder was having a large directory name.In case if the automated method of cleaning is failing then an alternate way to 'cleanup' is to manually remove the existing installation:

- Locate the default.yaml file in /etc/Puppet/data on Linux platforms and in

C:\ProgramData\PuppetLabs\Puppet\etc\data on Microsoft Windows platforms.

- Change the ensure value in default.yaml from 'present' to 'absent'

- Change directory to this location /etc/puppet/manifests on Linux platforms and

C:\programdata\puppetlabs\puppet\etc\manifests on Microsoft Windows platform

And finally execute the command below

- Run puppet apply site.pp --debug –trace

This will remove the existing installation from the server.

Leave your comment on the topic.

Tuesday, 12 July 2016

PeopleSoft Customization yaml file

After deployment of DPK, I was trying to execute the psft_customizations.yaml using the non-root user i.e, the specific user which we normally use for installing the PeopleSoft Stack components. I was using user_name and group_name twice in the psft_customizations.yaml which was causing it to fail. That is for oracle_group and psft_group, I was using the same group profile and similarly for psft_user and oracle_user, I was using the same userid. Puppet don't allow you to give same group name(profile) and same user_name twice in the customization file. As a workaround for this issue, I have removed the user section from psft_customizations.yaml and ran it with default users i.e, psadm1, psadm2, psadm3 and Oracle. You can then give the permission to these users to execute as per your setup requirement or alternatively you can change the ownership of the installation done by these default users. You can only get these default users created on your system, if you have the super user access to the box where you are attempting to install DPK and PeopleSoft components.
As a solution to this,if you are intending to use one user name and user group for both PeopleSoft and Oracle installation then you can give that username and group name once at the top of the file psft_customizations.yaml and that should not be repeated for PeopleSoft and Oracle separately in the file.
For example: The section below should be in the top of the file with other content

psft_user_name: hr92ut

psft_group_name: psadmin_prd

Hope this will help you to resolve the user profile issue in psft_customizations.yaml file where you are intending to use the signle user to use for the entire installation using DPK, however if you face any issue, pls leave a comment or email me and I will respond at the earliest possible.